Want to be part of grama?

Join our team


We are continuosly looking for motivated and talented people.
If you fit in any of these roles please reach out for a chat.

software development illustration
Front-end Engineer
We have projects in Angular, React and Vue, so we are always available to meet people enthusiastic about working with any of these frameworks.
software development illustration
Back-end Engineer
Are you familiar or want to increase your experience in techs such as Java, Springboot (or similar), Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud...?
software development illustration
UI/UX Designer
If you are a passionate web designer who transforms ideas into user-centered and usable products, grama can be the perfect fit for you.
What we offer
Flexible working environment
We look after our team’s quality of life. Our focus is to support you by balancing your needs and our customers demands.
Health insurance
We have a health insurance
company plan to get you covered.
Continuous learning
We have a learning budget available for you and we stimulate sharing knowledge
between our team.
3 extra holidays per year
We offer 25 paid holidays
to all members of our team.
Innovative environment
We are young and innovative with a team focused on delivering excellence
Gifts & perks
We usually have some surprises
for the entire team.