
Querido Cientista Mockup
Technical design
UX/UI Design
Cloud infrastructure setup
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Data base modelling

Call Analytics (CallAn) is an application that extracts analytical data from a business VoIP system and produces detailed reports on calls.

CallAn Homepage CallAn Homepage overlay right

CallAn allows customers to consult reports and analytics data of their business calls and call queues.

CallAn dashboard CallAn filter dashboard CallAn row dashboard details

As a new call analytics and reporting solution, it integrates all the functions of a telephone exchange in any number, fixed or mobile, developed based on the experience of working with some of the largest telecommunications operators in the world.

CallAn dashboard CallAn filter dashboard CallAn row dashboard details
CallAn Desktop
Branding, UI/UX Design, Technical Design, Cloud Infrastructure Setup, Frontend Development, Backend Development, Database Modelling
AWS Angular SASS Java Springboot Postgresql